(Note: Photographs will be issued without the “Cassidy Photography” watermark)
Please email me which photograph(s) you desire. If you need Stock Photos, then I can fulfill your needs, too.
Email me with your order information and your contact details, including email address, telephone and mobile phone numbers. I check my email daily. I reply to all emails, within 24 hours. I can email the photo(s). If you require printing, mounting and mailing, there will be extra charges. Please refer to my CONTACT page.
SPECIAL NOTE: Your Photographer, Robert L. Cassidy and Cassidy Photography will retain the exclusive Copyright to the photograph(s). The purchaser of my photograph(s) must not reproduce or modify and reproduce, in any form or fashion, nor purchased and re-sold by the original purchaser, without my permission, your Photographer. Clearly, state or acknowledge photo credit by the purchaser for use of my photograph(s), such as, “Photo by R. Cassidy” or “Photography provided by R. Cassidy” or “Photography provided by Cassidy Photography”. Cash or PayPal are the accepted methods for payment.